Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Focus on photography week - caterpillars

One thing the Bachsters cannot resist is a caterpillar.  One thing their photography-loving-mama cannot resist is taking pictures of caterpillars.  Whenever we spot one, whether it's in our backyard or while we are out on a photoshoot, it's just giddy excitement for us all!

Our 6-year-old is the resident caterpillar finder.  She can spot them, even if they're miles away (or so it seems).  She spotted this one recently, hanging around in our backyard playhouse.  Of course, I just had to do a little photoshoot with him in a more natural setting.  We were only planning on keeping him in our bug jar overnight, but the next morning, he had started spinning silk to make a cocoon.  So, he must be some kind of moth (we searched the internet to try to identify him, but no luck).  Regardless, he's part of the family now, at least until he emerges from his cocoon:

Our caterpillar-finder also discovered this unique guy while on a recent photoshoot at a nearby park.  She also found the same exact type of moth, as already within minutes of each other.  Oh yes, she's good at her job!  Here's Little Dude with our new-found fuzzy friend:

And here's yet another caterpillar that the 6-year-old found, at a nearby creek:

Finally, here's one that I discovered.  This fuzzy woolly bear was saved while we were driving along a country road.  It was a beautiful day last October, and the woolly bears were out in full-force....they were everywhere.  I was dodging them as I was driving so that I wouldn't run over any of them (luckily, there was no other traffic).  I couldn't resist pulling over & saving at least one from a vehicular-related-death.  We kept our little woolly bear in a quiet, cool place in the basement all winter; but, alas, he never emerged from hibernation in the spring, so we placed him under our pine trees.  I'd like to think that he waited until then to wake up, and maybe he's fluttering around our yard now, as a beautiful Isabella moth.


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