Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ice Cream Sundays - {honey thyme}

Honey thyme ice cream makes me think about.....context.  Yes, context.  You see, the recipe is from The Cook and The Gardener by Amanda Hesser.  In this wonderful book, Hesser works as a chef in a chateau in the French countryside.  She develops a friendship with the chateau's curmudgeonly gardener, Monsieur Milbert.  I can't help but think if I were at Chateau du Fey, dining on Hesser's gourmet dishes made with the freshest fruits and vegetables from M. Milbert's ancient garden, I think every meal I ate would be magnifique.

But, in the context of my little non-French non-chateau kitchen, well, I'd have to say honey thyme ice cream is just different.  The thyme is definitely the predominant flavor; in fact, you could go so far as calling it thyme ice cream.  After the first several bites, the thyme tones down a little and then the flavor is sweet creaminess (the honey isn't very discernible).

It's an interesting ice cream, and after the right meal it would be a nice surprise.  If I'm ever lucky enough to find myself at Chateau du Fey, I would love to sit outside on a terrace and enjoy the views of the countryside while savoring honey thyme ice cream.  There, it's absolutely splendid.


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