Friday, October 14, 2011

The Apple Orchard

Out of the blue one day, our 6-year-old said she wanted to go apple picking.  It sounded like a good idea, so when Central Ohio had summer-like weather last weekend, we couldn't resist our chance to head out to the apple orchard.  We went to Lynd's Fruit Farm, where they had their Suncrisp and Melrose apple orchards open for picking.  Here are some pictures from our day (the Suncrisp apples are the yellow ones, the Melrose are red - we picked a bit of both):

And what, you may ask, did we do with all of our apples?  Check back for a future post on all the homemade goodies we've been making with them!

Are you doing any fun Fall activities - apple picking or otherwise - this weekend?


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